The major new feature in this version is the ability to draw bitmap and vector images at points, expanding the way OmniGeometry can be used in a big way.

Version 1.3.9 is now available online, and offline version for lifetime members can be downloaded through the members area page.

OmniGeometry 1.3.9 screenshot

New Features

Drawing of points as images. 
Export your creations in SVG format (offline version only).
Saving of traces & background image in the scene file.
Saving of new scene defaults.

Online version specific changes

Removed image sequence export feature. When running inside a browser we have no way of knowing when an animation sequence frame was written succesfully to the disk, preventing implementing this in a reliable matter. If you need this feature, consider upgrading to the offline version.
Saving of image data to the cloud is not possible. A warning is shown when you save for the first time to the cloud with image data (point images, background image or tracing) in the scene. You can choose to continue saving without image data to the cloud.

A scene with image data is only possible to save to a local file. We cannot start hosting image data on our servers unfortunately, the bandwidth and server storage would go out of bounds very fast if we did this. Consider upgrading to the offline version if you need this feature.
Mouse cursor is now also hidden in the online version when entering projection mode.

New feature highlights

Drawing of points as images

OmniGeometry can now draw images at each point of a layer, making it possible to bring in much more flexibility and customization to your scene.

Import point images in bitmap (PNG or JPG) or vector SVG format and combine them with our advanced geometry engine to create completely new designs.  Images can be loaded from 'Layer/Load Point Image' and then setting Draw Points on.

Draw images at points example

Export your creations in SVG format

You can now export your scene as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. SVG is an open standard vector image format.

Following the fractal nature of our software it is now possible create a design and import that into your scene as point images, enabling endless new creations with OmniGeometry.

Importing multiple different scenes into one master scene as point images is also now possible. This feature is only available in the offline version.

Saving of traces & background image in the scene file.

Now you can save your tracing and background image to the scene file, making it much more easier to create a complete design in OmniGeometry and preserve it.

Tracing will still be cleared though if you change the canvas size afterwards, this is also something we will fix in future versions so you can scale the canvas and the tracing is preserved.

Background image with tracing

Saving of new scene defaults

Save default scene settings from "File/Save Scene Defaults". This will save the currently set viewport color, canvas size, background color & export transparency, trace opacity, trace mode and layer colors so that when you create a new scene, these saved values will be used by default. 

This is useful for example when creating many custom size canvases in a row or working with similar scenes. You can reset back to original settings by choosing "File/Restore Scene Defaults".

Adjusted complex calculation checks

Complexity check example

The complex calculation warning will now pop up more in cases where OmniGeometry is about to calculate a complex drawing operation when adjusting for example recursion depth or number of points. 

It is difficult to handle all the cases where this might happen, as the drawing operations might rise exponentially in complexity, but we have adjusted the checks to warn you about this more early,  hopefully preventing any stalling of the program.

Overview of the new features

See our lead developer Sakari going through the new features in this short video.

Other fixes and improvements

Updated online license checking behaviour and added better messages for possible failures.
Fixed the copy layer at vertex point feature to work correctly with other angles than the default angle. Missed this one when refactoring the angle handling, finally working properly again.
Animation is now stopped on opening any native dialogs, for example when opening a file or exporting to PNG.
Added back randomize layer keyboard shortcut. It is now bound to Cmd+N.
Fixed all other layers than the active layer disappearing when stopping animation and adjusting one layer.
Fixed UI elements to be centered correctly when coming back from projection mode with Cmd+U.
Fixed tracing store not to be displayed in PDF and SVG export preview windows. Currently we do not export the traces as part of the vector formats, as those would be converted to rasterized bitmap images anyway.
Toggling projection mode in Windows when already in fullscreen correctly hides the UI.
Optimized the window resize code.
Re-arranged some menu options.
Fixed a bug in the PDF exporter relating to drawing origo lines in specific cases.
Adjusted parameter change delta values.
Fixed PDF export canvas preview showing incorrect background color when transparency was toggled on.
Updated UI hint popups to include units in all cases.
Fixed a bug that might crash the application on macOS Big Sur when loading scenes or confirming file overwrite from the finder dialog.
Show a message on vector export window clarifying that tracing cannot be exported in vector formats. Tracing is a rasterized bitmap effect that cannot be converted to a vector format.
Fix the color picker getting stuck in color selection mode when clicking it with any other mouse button than the left mouse button.
Creating a design with the icosahedron vector shape

OmniGeometry design with an imported icosahedron vector drawn as points