We are back with a new version, OmniGeometry 1.3.11 is now out ! ๐Ÿ’Ž๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ™‚

You can download the latest version from the members area download area.
Note: The online version does not have MIDI support or background movie playback feature.

New Features

MIDI support & Custom Touch User Interface

Run custom touch UI on your tablet or mobile device, pad controls that enable you to smoothly morph, transform and intuitively tweak your mandalas with your fingertips.
Designed to be used for live projections, but now modified towards live creation and more natural adjustment.

Running on TouchOSC on your tablet or phone, and controlling your scenes running on your computer.

See feature highlight for more information.
Background video playback support

Set a background video for your scene, perfect for projection purposes.

You can also render your own OmniGeometry scenes as movies, and playback as background movie for easy combination of scenes. See our previous blog post for easy way to make movie in macOS.
Improved layer selection support

Jump To Layer
Select All Layers After/Before Current
Select Each Nth layer.

Can be found under Layer menu.

These make it much easier to navigate and select layers, especially when working with a large number of layers.
Apply parameter value with javascript expression.

Opens up parameter setting to another level. Basically enables bringing in math and logic, and enables setting parameter values based on the index of the layer.

See feature highlight below for more information.
Pause animation export sequence for ability to pause and continue long sequence export.
Set background color and image opacity. For easy blending of your background image to the background color, or fading away the background color.
Toggle complex parameter  warning dialogs from "Options/Enable warnings for complex parameter operations"

By default the warnings for complex parameter operations are on. We recommend turning this warning off, for slightly improved performance and improved usability, when you already know your way around OmniGeometry.

Other fixes and improvements

Fixed filled point drawing, when not drawing full circle.

You can now correctly draw pie shapes and small triangle fans also. 

Fixed tracing framerate to be correct on high refresh rate displays. Tracing finally works correctly on all high refresh rate displays in the offline version.

Previously we could only guesstimate the refresh rate, which was wrong usually.

Newer Electron supports getting the actual display refresh rate, so now tracing works correctly on those displays also. ๐Ÿ™Œ
More sequence export FPS presets.
Automatic initial UI zoom level setting based on window size.
Improved performance: Optimizations and updated Electron framework means OmniGeometry feels smoother and more responsive than before.

Feature Highlights

MIDI Support and Touch Controller

During the past years, since 2015 already, Sakari, our lead developer, has been supporting live performing artists by projecting digital mandalas with OmniGeometry.

This has lead to the development of the current MIDI interface we are now shipping with 1.3.11. It's been a long time coming, and has went through many iterations already.

It requires some setup and purchasing a TouchOSC software license.

For info on how to setup the MIDI interface, see our detailed blog post here.

Set parameter value from expression

This opens up the possibilities of OmniGeometry hugely, as now you can set layer parameter values from javascript code expressions, with support for including the index of the layer and other parameters in the expression.

For example, if you create 6 layers and set the parameter value of "scale phase" parameter to for all selected 6 layers:

i * 10

Will result in the above image. This works because the scale phase variable is in the range of 0 .. 360 degrees, and directly affects the scaling of the layer.

Or you could set for example the origo x parameter from this:

600 + 256 * Math.sin(i*512)

Resulting in this image:


You can also use javascript constants like Math.PI, Math.sin(), and so on in your expressions.

Your applied expressions will also be saved in the scene, so you can always return to them in the apply from expression dialog.

We will post more examples and information in another post later !

Improved layer selection

You can now select your layers in these new ways:

Select Every Nth Layer: Select for example every 2nd layer, or every 5th layer easily.
Select All Layers Before Active Layer: Selects all layers that are before and including active layer
Select All Layers After Active Layer: Selects all layers that are after and including active layer
Jump To Layer: Jump directly to layer with index number. Bound to ^J for fast jumping to wanted layer. Especially useful if you have a large amount of layers.

Improved Performance

We've managed to optimize the drawing code during these couple of years by shaving off un-needed code, and the underlying platform that runs our application, Electron, has been updated to a more recent version, which results in noticeably smoother and faster framerates.

Also animation tracing working correctly on high refresh rate displays (even if you drag it between displays with different Hz), means this is a really smooth and responsive version, happy to see we are still gaining better performance !

Thank you for your continued support !

Thank you everyone who have supported us and keep supporting us.
We are still continuing to find new patterns and ways to create art with OmniGeometry every day.

We have also been working on some pretty amazing new things behind the stage also,  hopefully can soon reveal more about that .. been busy building the future basis of our upcoming software all also .. โœจ 

Happy that we managed to package OmniGeometry 1.3.11, the improvements are real and excited to see what we can find with the community regarding especially the MIDI support and the setting parameter values from expressions discoveries.

We've already seen some amazing things shared in the OmniGeometry telegram group (find the link in the members area!) with the set expression feature, can't wait to have some more time just to focus exploring with this one.

Enjoy Creating Digital Mandalas!

May they bring more beauty into yours and others lives !

-- Sakari, Lead Developer, OmniGeometry